UI | Storage Units


Storage units are like vivariums however, there are no zones. You can associate multiple devices with a single storage unit. That storage unit will have a single "zone". That zone will have upper and lower temperature and humidity thresholds. If any device within the storage unit violates those thresholds an alert will be generated.

See All Storage Units

To access the list of Storage Units, click Locations -> All Locs, Vivs, and SUs.

You will see a table that lists all Vivaria/Terraria and Storage Units organized by Location.

You can click on the the pencil icon to edit a storage unit.

Adding a Storage Unit

Click Locations -> Add Storage Unit to add a storage unit.

Editing a Storage Unit

The edit form for a storage unit includes attributes.

The following settings are editable:

Setting Description
Storage Unit Name The name of the storage unit.
Location The location where this storage unit is.
Type Generic, user-defined type of storage.
Notes Generic, user-defined notes for the storage unit.
Devices Select one or more devices that are contained within this storage unit.
Hold CTRL to select multiple.
Temp High/Low The maximum and minimum temperature allowed in the storage unit. When the temperature goes above the max or below the min, an alert will be generated.
Humidity High/Low The maximum and minimum humidity allowed in the storage unit. When the humidity goes above the max or below the min, an alert will be generated.
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